Most Common Construction Defect Claims and the LHBA GL Trust Difference

According to Quality Built, LLC (a national leader in third-party QA inspections), the top 5 most common issues involved during their construction inspections nationally were:
- Foundation (moisture intrusion)
- Framing (trusses bearing on non-bearing walls or incorrectly attached)
- Fire blocking (missing or damaged)
- Insulation (not properly fitted)
- Window Installation issues
The LHBA GL Trust has been presented with more than 750 claims in its 20+ year history, and its claims breakdown looks like this:
- Punch list claims: 213
- Water intrusion/mold claims: 152
- Miscellaneous (damage to other property/breach of contract/etc.): 138
- Foundation/major structural claims: 85
- Bodily injury (BI) claims: 35
- Fire claims: 22
The LHBA GL Trust Difference – Protecting Louisiana Home Builders
The GL Trust has been incredibly successful in protecting its builders from claims and lawsuits. There are several reasons why:
First, unlike insurance companies, the GL Trust is built by builders, for builders, and run by builders.
Second, while most insurers refuse to provide an attorney for you or your business until after a lawsuit is filed, we offer our builders two hours of free legal consultation with a licensed Louisiana attorney for contract review purposes, and we also provide attorneys to you and your company to resolve claims before a lawsuit is filed in many instances. The GL Trust employs three attorneys who only work to defend builders against cases reported to the GL Trust.
Third, the GL Trust has worked to strengthen Louisiana’s New Home Warranty Act (“NHWA”) to protect Louisiana’s residential builders. We have been quite successful in utilizing the NHWA to get the best possible outcomes for builders when disputes arise.
Finally, the LHBA GL Trust offers benefits that are second-to-none in the industry, and we boast about the fact that hundreds of Louisiana builders are our indemnitees.
Call or email John Brooks at 225-999-8820 or for more information about how you can access these valuable benefits.